The video is a documentation of a gift giving performance.
Before entering a certain room, the audience was presented with an opening speech reciting a fragment from Lewis Hyde's book The Gift: Imagination and the Erotic Life of Property. This passage reveals the twisted notion of a so-called "Indian giver" based on the anecdote of an encounter between an Englishman and Native Americans. There a pipe of peace as a gift was given with the intention to further circulate among the people, however became misused as a museum artifact. After the opening speech, visitors were invited inside to receive a gift from the artist. More than 80 hand fans from his personal collection, which were also used as props in another video, were shown on a long table. Each hand fan was personally given to a visitor who became co-owner of a work of art or gift and a visual part of the exhibition during the opening. As protagonists, they held the gifts in their hands or simply fanned cold air on a hot summer's day.