Lo and Behold is a performative installation on one or more tables. It consists of colorful vessels woven with plastic twine and large photographs of moths of various hues gathering against a black background. The vessels of Lo and Behold were crafted by a basketmaker from Hongcheon, whose interpretation was based on the simple sketches and photographs provided by the artist. The shapes and embroidered floral ornamentation of the vessels evoke associations with empty cocoons and vases from different cultures and time periods. During the exhibition, a performer occasionally rearranges these very lightweight objects in visual relationship to the moths in the photograph in order to create an indefinite and aimless study of form and color. Lo and Behold references the display of museum artefacts or natural science exhibitions while revealing that things classified as static or resolved are in actuality fluid and constantly redefined. Lo and Behold doesn’t pin specimens into a showcase but rather invites the beholder to speculate where moths and vessels come from and where they will go.
All baskets are crafted by Seo Un Lee

‘Glancing into the Sun’, Hongcheon Museum, 2018, KR, organized by Pink Factory

Performance by Youn Soon Lee, Photo by Yang Ian

Performance by Youn Soon Lee, Photo by Yang Ian
From Here to There, SeMa Storage, 2019, Seoul, KR

Baskets crafted by Seo Un Lee.
Hae Sook Yong / Seo Un Lee
Baskets crafted by Seo Un Lee.

Pink Factory, Hongcheon, Gangwon Triennale 2021, photo Kee Soo Lee